Doing functional programming in a language as PHP, which is almost completely used as an imperative or object oriented way, is not always easy. Good progresses have been made thanks to the introduction of callable type hints in PHP 5.4 and the diffusion of functional interfaces like the ones present in PSR-7.

Still, all “good” PHP code is still written using objects and classes and the object oriented perspective on the world strongly influences even the most functional oriented libraries.

In this post I would like to propose as an example how we could implement the Maybe type in PHP. We will see how some open source libraries do this, we will see an alternative solution and we will raise concerns about some modelling issues.


Sometimes in our application we need to treat values that may or may not exist at that precise instant. You could think about an optional parameter, or about a value that needs to be retrieved remotely and we don’t know if it has arrived yet. Usually in PHP we instantiate such a variable with a default value, generally null, which is used to identity the case in which the value is not there yet. This approach is problematic, because, before doing anything with the value, we need to check if it is not null, and, if it is, handle the null case separately.

In strongly type languages like Haskell or Elm, the possibility of the non-existence of a value is approached differently. It is addressed at the type level with the Maybe type, which is defined as follows:

Maybe a = Just a | Nothing

This means that a variable of type Maybe a could be either of type Just a, which is just a wrapper for a value of type a, or of type Nothing, which means that no value is there.

Now, if you have a variable foo of type Maybe a, you could use it in the following way

case foo of
    Just value -> // here you have access to the value
    Nothing -> // handle the case where you don't have a value

There are several things I really like about this approach and I’ll try to list them here briefly:

  • when you have a Maybe a you are sure it is or a Just a or a Nothing, there are no other possibilities;
  • when you have a Maybe a you are obliged to consider both cases (the compiler will check that in Haskell and Elm), you can not be lazy and forget to treat the Nothing case;
  • when you have a Nothing you don’t have any operation that allows you to retrieve something of type a.


Maybe is quite a common structure and there are several libraries in PHP implementing it. I would like now to analyze the implementation of some of them to check if they comply with the points I listed above. I would like to point out that I am not in any way suggesting that these libraries are poorly written; I would just like to point out some limitations which, in my opinion, are inherently present in an object oriented approach.

Let’s start with monad-php by Anthony Ferrara, where the author tries to show that the concept of monad could be used also in PHP. He defines the Maybe class as follows (I’m stripping away non-relevant code):

class Maybe
    protected $value;

    public function __construct($value) {
        $this->value = $value;

    public function extract() {
        return $this->value;


As you see, only one class is defined, and therefore there is no clear distinction between Just and Nothing and null is used as the discriminating factor. Moreover, we can call the extract method also on Nothing objects, receiving null as return value.

Let’s continue with Phunkie by Marcello Duarte, a library with functional structures for PHP. In there we can find three classes that constitutes an implementation of Maybe:

abstract class Option
    abstract public function get();


final class Some extends Option
    private $t;

    public function get() {
        return $this->t;


final class None extends Option
    public function get() {
        throw new \RuntimeException("Illegal get() call on None");


Here it is not possible to instantiate directly an Option and there is a clear distinction between Just (here called Some) and Nothing (here None). Still, there is no way to ensure that Option is either Some or None, since a new class could be defined to extend Option. Moreover, since None extends Option, it must define a method get which should not be there; to denote that the method should not be used, an exception is thrown introducing side effects in a generically pure codebase.

UPDATE 21/06/2017: Phunkie was updated to solve the issues I mention here; now it does not define get on Option and therefore it doesn’t need to define it throwing an exception on None. Moreover, using a final constructor on Option, it ensures that an Option could be only Just or None. The only small pitfall of this is that it ensures it throwing an exception.

These two libraries we just saw are not limited to define a Maybe type and address functional programming in PHP more broadly. Let’s have a look now at two libraries which are focused on the definition of Maybe in PHP.

Let’s start with php-maybe-monad by Marcelo Camargo, where we could find the following implementation of Maybe:

interface MaybeInterface
    public function fromJust();


class Just implements MaybeInterface
    private $value;

    public function fromJust() {
        return $this->value;


class Nothing implements MaybeInterface
    public function fromJust() {
        throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot call fromJust() on Nothing');


As in the Phunkie implementation, inheritance is used to describe the fact that Just and Nothing are subtypes of Maybe and an exception is used to prevent the client to use the fromJust method. The main difference is given by the fact that Just and Nothing are not final here and therefore subclasses of them could be defined.

Let’s conclude our tour with php-fp-maybe by Tom Harding, where we can find the following definition of Maybe:

abstract class Maybe
    abstract public function fork($default);


final class Just extends Maybe
    private $value = null;

    public function fork($_) {
        return $this->value;


final class Nothing extends Maybe
    public function fork($default) {
        return $default;

Here the approach is similar to the previous two libraries that we saw (especially to Phunkie), with an abstract class Maybe extended by two final classes Just and Nothing. The main difference is that the author decided not to expose a method get() to extract the value from Just because, as we saw earlier, this would have caused him to implementing it also on Nothing where the only solution then is throwing an exception. Instead a method fork($default) is defined, which requires a default value that is used in the Nothing case; this saves us from using the exception, but still it forces us to have a useless $default value even in the Just implementation of fork.

Rounding up, I think that all these libraries which we analyzed have some little design flaw, because in one way or the other, they allow you to do more than what you should be supposed to do (for example, calling get on Nothing) or they just force you to do something you should not be supposed to do (requiring a $default value for the Just case). As I said before, I think that these flaws are inherently caused by an object oriented approach; maybe I’ll dive deeper on this idea in a future post.

I concluded the introduction saying that we would also look to a possible alternative to solve some of the issues I raised until this point. Let’s have a look!


I will first provide my proposal and then discuss it a bit with regarding to the issues I raised above.

interface Just
    public function get();

interface Nothing {}

class Maybe
    public static function nothing()
        return new class() extends Maybe implements Nothing {};

    public static function just($value)
        return new class($value) extends Maybe implements Just
            private $value;

            public function __construct($value)
                $this->value = $value;

            public function get()
                return $this->value;

You can notice that only Just has the get method to access its wrapped value. Nothing instead has no methods and the only thing we could make of it is using it as type hinting (which is exactly the only thing we would like to be possible). This saves us from using null as discriminating value, throwing exceptions to notify the usage of a method which should not be called, or requiring the usage of a default value in the signature of the method.

Still, we are not preventing the fact that a Maybe could be defined that is not Just or Nothing. This is caused by the fact that we can not make Maybe as final since we want the objects returned by Maybe::just and Maybe::nothing to type hint against Maybe.

I would be really curious if it would be possible to overcome these limitations and obtain a data structure that better resembles the functional Maybe type.


We saw several implementations in PHP of a Maybe data structure to see if we could replicate the following properties of the Maybe type:

  • when you have a Maybe a you are sure it is or a Just a or a Nothing, there are no other possibilities;
  • when you have a Maybe a you are obliged to consider both cases;
  • when you have a Nothing you don’t have any operation that allows you to retrieve something of type a.

We saw that in an object oriented world like PHP it is pretty hard (if not impossible) to design a data structure that satisfies these three properties. The main problem to overcome derives directly from the usage of inheritance.

Inheritance naturally guides us or to expose methods where they shouldn’t be and leaves the possibility to provide other implementations of Maybe which are not Just or Nothing.

Maybe trying to replicate functional programming data structures in an object oriented world is not a very smart thing to do, but it still helps us at identifying the limitations of the mainstream paradigm.