Combining monads with natural transformations
Domain modelling with state machines
Either why or how
Introducing Haskell in Soisy
Exercises in style - 2
Exercises in style - 1
Type equality in object oriented programming
Thoughts on code quality
Who's scared of phantom types?
Intervals and their relations
Higher kinded types in PHP - the solution
Higher kinded types in PHP - the issue
Converting functional data structures into objects
Named typeclasses in Haskell
More (categorical) ramblings on lawful lenses
Ramblings on lawful lenses
Applicative and monadic validation in PHP
Functional data validation in PHP
Servant ♥ Sentry
Maybe in PHP 2 - The revenge of sum types
Maybe in PHP
Manage effects
Real world events are commands
The Law of Demeter and dependency management
A categorical comparison between FP and OOP
Constructing objects with PDO
On valid models and data structures
ES/CQRS integration tests
Database relations and graph visualization
Elm and Event Sourcing
My own place
External posts
Crem: compositional representable executable machines
Functional programming from sets and functions
Existential optics
More (Categorical) Thoughts on Lawful Lenses
On lawful lenses
Programming languages as categories
Fun with functors
Concrete categories
Fun with categories
Crem: Composable representable executable machines
Looping through Functional Loops
The art of composition
PHP ❤️ types
Functional pills for OO developers - Java
Functional pills for OO developers
Fun with categories @ LambdaWorld
Middleware architectures
Elm or how I learned to love frontend development
Elm @ Milano.js
The magical middleware tour
Elm or how I learned to love frontend development